The Post

Vanilla Sheet Cake

This cake is best eaten on the day it is made. Use a round, star, rose and leaf nozzle to create the design on the cake.

250ml warm milk 125ml soft butter 4 large eggs 250ml sugar 5ml vanilla essence 500ml cake flour 20ml baking powder pinch of salt

Combine the warm milk and butter, and stir until the butter melts. Place the eggs into the bowl of a stand mixer. Use the whisk attachment to whip the eggs until they triple in volume.

Reduce the speed. Gradually add the sugar and whisk until the mixture leaves a ribbon on the surface that is visible for 3 seconds.

Stir in the vanilla essence. Use a large metal spoon to fold the flour, baking powder and salt into the egg mixture, alternating with the milk.

Scrape the bottom of the bowl to ensure the ingredients are well combined. Grease and line a square baking tin with baking paper.

Bake in a pre-heated oven at 170ºC for 40 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when the cake is tested. Turn the cake out and cool on a wire rack.

BUTTERCREAM FROSTING: 125ml soft butter

500ml icing sugar drop of vanilla essence 30ml-45ml fresh cream sprinkles, to decorate

Beat the butter in a stand mixer using the paddle attachment. Once the butter is pale in colour, gradually add the icing sugar. Add the vanilla essence and fresh cream.

The frosting should be easy to spread. Tint the buttercream in shades of your choice. Use a spatula to cover the top and sides of the cake with the frosting.

If you wish to pipe designs on the cake, double the quantity of the buttercream. Finish the cake with sprinkles.





African News Agency