The Post

Lamb Croissant Puffs

500g boneless lamb, small cubes 10ml ginger and garlic paste 20ml red chilli powder

5ml ground cumin

5ml ground coriander

5ml garam masala

2ml turmeric

60ml sunflower oil small cinnamon stick

1 small bay leaf

2.5ml cumin seeds

1 onion, finely chopped

5ml salt

1 small tomato, grated

15ml tomato sauce

15ml hot mustard

30ml chopped coriander

1 x roll puff pastry or pastry sheets 1 egg, beaten

Place the lamb cubes in a glass or stainless steel mixing bowl. Add the ginger and garlic paste, red chilli, ground cumin, coriander, garam masala and turmeric.

Stir well to combine and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.

Heat the sunflower oil in a 28cm AMC Chef’s Pan. Add the cinnamon stick and bay leaf. Once fragrant, stir in the cumin seeds.

When the seeds begin to splutter, add the onion and salt. Fry until golden in colour.

Add the marinated lamb cubes and sauté until the oil separates.

Pour boiled water into the pan and simmer until the lamb is tender.

Add the grated tomato and simmer until the sauce and spice coat the meat.

Leave to cool, and if the lamb cubes are too large, chop them into smaller pieces. Stir the tomato and mustard sauce into the lamb.

Sprinkle the coriander over and stir gently to combine. Unroll the puff pastry on a lightly floured work surface. Do not roll with a rolling pin as this affects the layers.

Use a ruler to cut the pastry into triangles – this must be done using a ruler so that the finished puffs are regular in appearance.

Place the lamb filling at the base of the triangle and roll upward, pull the tip over the centre and curl to form a crescent.

Brush the pastry with egg wash and place on a greased baking tray.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes at 180ºC or until the base is golden brown and pastry cooked through.

Serve with a chutney and dip of your choice.





African News Agency