The Post

Pass school uniforms on

THE matric examinations for 2023 are over. It has become common practice that many matriculants will discard their school uniforms without consideration.

Let’s stop and think about all the underprivileged pupils. Due to inflation and the dire economic situation, every year, parents face a dilemma of providing proper school clothing to their children.

School uniforms are overpriced and the narrative exists that there is no consideration for the poor, average income earners or employed parents. It would not be surprising if some stores are involved in price-fixing.

The only people who win in the situation are the money makers. As a result, many schools will insist that limited school suppliers will provide uniforms. This is unacceptable and violates the rights of a consumer.

I am therefore surprised that there has been no probe with regard to the high price of school uniforms over the years.

Matriculants should consider handing over their uniforms to deserving pupils. I suggest school governing bodies try to implement this at schools as this gesture will help parents.

With regard to the anti-competitive conduct and exorbitant prices, this rot should stop now. Stop exploiting the plight of the poor, with inflated prices. Parents need to speak out as a matter of urgency.


Mobeni Heights





African News Agency