The Post

Reckless drivers should face prison time

THE number of people who die due to accidents is absolutely sad. Unfortunately, innocent pedestrians and motorists are killed.

Look at last week’s POST (dated October 13 -17). Joggers laid to rest. Engaged couple killed in road accident. Bhajan singer dies in crash.

My question is: how many more people must die before the government takes drastic action? The government meekly accepts carnage that would spark outrage anywhere else in the world.

The word “accident” carries a connotation that crashes are unavoidable and without fault. The reality and research show accidents are because of bad behaviour. In order to bring these drivers to heel, immediate action must be taken.

A determined and ruthless law that applies to all motorists must be imposed. Speedsters, careless and reckless drivers should face time in prison. The role of our law enforcement officers in this regard is critical.

Highly visible officers must be on the road, and they must ensure cars are roadworthy.

Most importantly, drivers must not be under the influence of drugs or liquor. If this happens, they must immediately appear in front of a magistrate and be sentenced.

We need new ruthless laws, and it is critical that they must be imposed immediately.

This must be done all year round, not before holidays.

The authorities need to pressure motorists so that we win the war against disobedience and careless motorists. If ignoring road rules is a norm, that is a recipe for disaster.


Mobeni Heights





African News Agency