The Post

Pepuda Act changes problematic

I JOIN the multitude of concerned people and organisations who have raised concerns about and objections to the amendments to the Promotion of Equality and the Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act (Pepuda).

Although discrimination is unacceptable and equality is an important human right, the amendments, if adopted, hold threats for citizens.

Due to our painful history, the Equality Act is needed. The act is imperative for the protection of each individual’s rights as far as equality is concerned.

The current Equality Act, as interpreted by our courts, is not problematic, is needed and it is a good piece of legislation. It works well with the Equality Courts.

However, the intended amendments will transform the Equality Act into a broad and open-ended act. For example, the amendments will expand the definition of “equality” and “discrimination” further than the Constitution, and citizens will not be sure when they are breaking the law.

Besides creating ambiguity, the amendments will open the platform for unnecessary litigation. Freedoms such as religious options, beliefs and practice will be grossly affected.







African News Agency